Juan Luis Eugenio-Martin

Head of EITT Research Group (EITT)                                                         My CV: [Link]

Senior Lecturer in Economics


Editorial Board Member of Tourism Economics

Editorial Board Member of Journal of Sustainable Tourism

Editorial Board Member of Annals of Tourism Research


Executive Council Member of International Association for Tourism Economics

Phone: +34 928 458205

E-mail: juanluis.eugenio @ ulpgc.es

Last papers



Work in progress

Eugenio-Martin, J.L., J.M. Cazorla-Artiles, A. Moreda and J.M. Murguia (2023)


Adaptive nowcasting of arrivals during health crises


This paper develops a new methodology to nowcast the number of arrivals during

health-related crises such as Covid-19. The methodology is adaptive, so that the

relevance of different determinants vary over time by employing hurdles that work as

‘necessary travelling conditions’. It starts with a baseline series built upon a pre-Covid-

19 trend. This series is adjusted by each hurdle. The first hurdle is the market closure;

SIR epidemiological models are applied to anticipate the dates of re-opening. The

second hurdle deals with key travelling determinants such as the income effect. The

third hurdle is the lack of confidence; this depends on the length of the recovery, and

the expected path to follow.


Cazorla-Artiles, J.M. and J.L. Eugenio-Martin (2023)


Optimal targeting of latent tourism demand segments


This paper identifies for the first time the optimal target markets employing the latent

tourism demand expenditure, a novel concept in tourism literature. The study quantifies

latent tourism demand between each pair of origin-destination through distinguishing

by type of tourism and seasonality. It works with market shares that are estimated via a

fractional regression model. Moreover, latent demand is clustered using a market

segmentation approach based on a latent class regression. Finally, the optimal target

markets are chosen depending on the expected latent tourism expenditure. The result

has clear policy implications in terms of which markets are promoted, the optimal

channels of communication and the maximum budget for each marketing campaign. [Paper]


Research interests


Tourism Economics. In particular: Determinants of tourism demand; Forecasting; Economic impacts assessment; Optimal tourism development; and Sustainable Tourism.


Methodologies of interest: Microeconometrics; Panel data; Structural time series; and Computable general equilibrium.


¿Cómo puedo montar una base de datos en Stata? Herramientas para:


  • Unir ficheros, unir variables y unir observaciones.
  • Convertir series de tiempo en una estructura de datos de panel y viceversa.




  • joinby
  • append
  • merge
  • reshape
  • duplicates drop
  • forvalues

8th IATE 2022 was held at Perpignan: [Link]


9th IATE 2024 is expected to be held in Orlando (USA).


Papers in progress: 1. On Airbnb entry phenomenon. 2. On the spatial and time decay impacts of events (with J.M. Cazorla). 3. On the substitution patterns between urban transportation modes (with Manuel Ojeda). 4. On the economic valuation of tourism rejuvenation (with F. Inchausti, J.M. Cazorla and U. Pérez). 5. On repeat visits phenomenon with asymmetric distributions (with José Mª Pérez and Jorge Pérez). 6. On tourism employment generation (with Marina Marfil and Estefanía Sánchez). 7. On the substitutability of tourist attractions (with Estefanía Sánchez).

This version: April 2023