Lecturer in English Language Department of Modern Philology, Translation and Interpretation (DFMTI) Muy home page
2013. Perceptions of native and non-native teachers of English: does it really matter? Trigésimo primer Congreso de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (31 AESLA), Universidad de La Laguna, Spain, 18-20 April.
2013. Authorship and self-perception of 18th century English grammar writers. Trigésimo séptimo Congreso Internacional de la Asociación española de estudios anglo-norteamericanos (37 AEDEAN), Universidad de Oviedo, Spain, 13-15 November.
2012. An application of the ECEG database: an approach to 18th-century prefaces to English school grammars (joint presentation with Dr. Alicia Rodríguez Álvarez). Fourth International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2012), Universidad de Jaén, Departamento de Filología Inglesa, Jaén, Spain. 22-24 March.
2012. New resources, new approaches: the eighteenth century and the ECEG database. Fourth International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2012), Universidad de Jaén, Departamento de Filología Inglesa, Jaén, Spain. 22-24 March.
2012. Readers in eighteenth-century teaching grammars. Trigésimo sexto Congreso Internacional de la Asociación española de estudios anglo-norteamericanos (36 AEDEAN), Universidad de Málaga, Spain, 14-16 November.
2011. New perspectives for the study of the eighteenth-century English grammatical tradition: The ECEG-database. Helsinki Corpus Festival: The Past, Present, and Future of English Historical Corpora. University of Helsinki. 28 September - 2 October. [poster + demo + workshop]
2011. Common discourse in the preface of 18th-century English grammar school books. Biennial Conference on the Diachrony of English (CBDA-2), University of Tours, France. 15-16 June.
2011. Manuales de enseñanza del inglés para españoles en el siglo XVIII: Thomas Connelly y sus fuentes. 2º Seminario de Filología y Traducción: investifaciones y perspectivas, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 18 May.
2010. ECEG: A database of eighteenth-century grammars and grammar-writers [co-authored with Nuria Yáñez-Bouza, University of Manchester]. The Lowth Symposium, University of Leiden (The Netherlands). 17-18 December. [demonstration + hands-on session]. Supported by the British Academy.
2010. The boom of English grammars in the eighteenth-century. The need for the ECEG-database [Co-authored with Nuria Yáñez-Bouza, University of Manchester]. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain). 15 December. [demonstration + hands-on session]. Supported by the British Academy.
2010. ‘As the learned Dr. Louth justly remarks’: Lowth’s influence in Thomas Connelly’s (fl.1784-1800) English grammar for Spaniards. The Lowth Symposium, University of Leiden (The Netherlands). 17-18 December.
2009. ECEG-database: Eighteenth-century English grammars revisited [Joint paper with Nuria Yáñez-Bouza (University of Manchester)]. 30th ICAME. University of Lancaster (UK). 27-31 May. Prize Awarded: Honorable mention to the best paper in the conference by a young researcher. Supported by the British Academy.
2008. A disparate band of independent entrepreneurs'? What the ECEG-database can tell us about eighteenth-century grammarians [joint paper with Nuria Yáñez-Bouza (University of Manchester)]. 15th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL). Munich (Germany). 24-30 August. Supported by the British Academy.
2007. A bibliographic approach to the study of eighteenth-century English grammars [joint paper with Nuria Yáñez-Bouza (University of Manchester)]. Third Late Modern English Conference (LMEC3). Leiden (The Netherlands). 30 August - 1 September.
2004. Fisher’s Spelling Dictionary and Expositor of the English Language (1773) and John Entick’s The New Spelling Dictionary (1745): A case of piracy. Second Late Modern English International Conference. Vigo. 25-27 November.
2003. Deconstructing female conventions: Ann Fisher. Histories of prescriptivism. Sheffield. 3-5 July.
2003. Mujer y educación en la Inglaterra del siglo XVIII. Mujeres ex-céntricas: lo femenino como provocación en la literatura y las artes. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 24 November- 5 December.
Ann Fisher and the teaching of English. Twelfth International Conference on English Historical Linguistics. Glasgow. 21-26 August.
Radical approaches to the study of English 1700-1900 (workshop). Twelfth International Conference on English Historical Linguistics. Glasgow. 21-26 August.
Ann Fisher: descriptive or prescriptive grammarian? International Conference on Late Modern English. Edinburgh 29 August- 1 September.