Derefinement algorithms of nested meshes, (con L. Ferragut y R. Montenegro) 12th World Computer Congress IFIP'92, Madrid 1992.
An adaptive refinement/derefinement algorithm of structured grids for solving time-dependent problems, (con R. Montenegro y L. Ferragut) First European Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering (1992) Pág 225-232.
An improved derefinement algorithm of nested meshes. (con R. Montenegro y L. Ferragut) Advances in Post and Preprocessing for Finite Element Technology (1994) Pág 175-180
A review of a derefinement algorithm and its applications. Considerations about its parallelization. (con R. Montenegro y L. Ferragut) Symposium on Computational and Applied Mathematics. Austin,Texas, 20-22 Abril 1995
Aspects about mesh generation for finite element method. (con R. Montenegro, J.M. Escobar y L. Ferragut) First International Conference on Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations. Atlanta, 1995.
The fractal behavior of triangular refined/derefined meshes. ERGOFRACT'95 International Meeting on Fractal Geometry, Chaos, Ergodic Theory and their Applications, 1995.
From a 2D local refinement algorithm to a 3D one, Texas Finite Element Rodeo’96, Houston (1996).
Application of a nonlinear evolution model to fire propagation, (con R. Montenegro, L. Ferragut, M.I. Asensio, and F.J. Serón) The Second World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts WCNA-96, Atenas, (1996).
A model for fire simulations in ladscapes, (con L. Ferragut, M.I. Asensio, R. Montenegro, G. Winter y F.J. Serón) 3th ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, París (1996).
About local refinement of tetrahedral grids based on bisction, (con G.F. Carey) 5th International Meshing Roundtable’96, Pittsburgh (1996).
A 3D derefinement algorithm for tetrahedral grids, (con M.A. Padrón y G.F. Carey) McNU'97 Conference, Chicago, (1997).
A 3D local derefinement algorithm based on a 2D one. (con M.A. Padrón) Fourth U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics'95, San Francisco (1997).
A 3D refinement/derefinement algorithm for solving evolution problems, (con M.A. Padrón, G.F. Carey) 15th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics, Berlín, (1997).
On computational complexity of a class of local refinement algorithms. (con M.A. Padrón and G.F. Carey) Fourth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Buenos Aires (1998).
Mesh graph structure for longest-edge refinement algorithms, (con J.P. Suárez and M. A. Padrón) 7th International Meshing Roundtable'98, Dearborn, Michigan (1998).
Application of Space Filling Curves to Unstructured Grid Ordering and Partitioning, (con G.F. Carey, and A. I. Pehlivanov) strong>Fifth SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the GeoSciences, San Antonio, Texas (1999).
Longest-edge algorithms: nondegeneracy properties in 3 dimensions, (con M.-C. Rivara) Fifth U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, University of Colorado, Boulder, (1999).
Asymptotic behavior of the average of the adjacencies of the topological entities in some simplex partitions, 8th International Meshing Roundtable, South Lake Tahoe, California (1999).
Some aspects of adaptive grid generation (con G.F. Carey, and A. Pehlivanov) Sixth SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, Albuquerque, New Mexico (1999).
Skeleton-regular simplex partitions for 2D and 3D mesh refinement III PanAmerican Workshop in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Trujillo, Perú (2000).
Refinement and coarsening algorithms in 2 and 3 dimensions. Considerations about the relate data structure. (con J.P. Suárez, and M.A. Padró) FEF-2000, Finite Elements in Flow Problems, Austin, Texas (2000).
Longest-edge based partitions for 3-dimenional refinement algorithms, (con M. C. Rivara) 9th International Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics (ICCAM)-2000, Leuven, Bélgica (2000).
Average adjacencies for skeleton-regular triangular and tetrahedal partitions, (con M. C. Rivara) 16th IMACS- Word Congress 2000 on Sicentific Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation, Lausanne, Suiza (2000).
Surface approximation by unstructured triangular meshes, (con J.P. Suárez, and M. A. Padrón) 7th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations, pp. 671-677, (ISBN: 0965162737). British Columbia, Canadá (2000).
Longest-edge bisection algorithms. Considerations abaut the data structures. Applications, (con J.P. Suárez, M. A. Padrón, and G.F. Carey) CFDLab Seminars Sept’2000, Austin, Texas (2000).
Skeleton refinement algorithms for longest-edge bisection, (con J.P. Suárez, M. A. Padrón, and G.F. Carey) 9th International Meshing Roundtable, New Orleans, Louisiana (2000).
Partitions of tetrahedra with Steiner points based on bisection (con J.P. Suárez, y M.A. Padrón) IMACS/ISGG Workshop MASCOT—Meetings on Applied Scientific Computing and Tools, Roma (2001).
Load balancing with variable number of processors on commodity clusters, (con S. Iqbal, G.F. Carey, M.A. Padrón, and J.P. Suárez) Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference, San Diego, California (2002).
Degeneracy study of the 8-tetrahedra longest-edge partition, (con M.A. Padrón, and J.P. Suárez) Tenth International Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics, Leuven, Bélgica (2002).
Simulation of 2D and 3D problems via adaptive longest-edge triangular grids, (con M.A. Padrón, J.P. Suárez, and G.F. Carey) IMACS02/ISGG Workshop MASCOT—Meetings on Applied Scientific Computing and Tools, MASCOT/02, Roma (2002).
Data structures in Computational Geometry, (con A. Álvarez, J.P. Suárez) First Las Palmas Seminar on Computational Geometry & Graphics, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2003).
Geometrical aspects of the triangular grid refinement in 2 and 3D, (con M.A. Padrón, and J.P. Suárez) First Las Palmas Seminar on Computational Geometry & Graphics, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2003).
Refinement/derefinement algorithms of triangular grids, Part I, (con M.A. Padrón, and J.P. Suárez) First Las Palmas Seminar on Computational Geometry & Graphics, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2003).
Refinement/derefinement algorithms of triangular grids, Part II, (con M.A. Padrón, and J.P. Suárez) First Las Palmas Seminar on Computational Geometry & Graphics, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2003).
Propagation study in the longest-edge refinement of unstructured 3D triangular meshes, (con J.P. Suárez, y M.A. Padrón) XIII ADM - XV INGEGRAF, International Conference on Tools and Methods Evolution in Engineering Design, Napoli-Salerno, (2003).
Computational aspecgts of the refinement of 3D complex meshes, (con J.P. Suárez, P. Abad, and M.A. Padrón) ICCMSE 2003, Kastoria (Grecia) (2003).
Mesh refinement based on the 8-tetrahedra longest-edge partition, (con M.-C. Rivara) 12th International Meshing Roundtable, Santa Fe, New Mexico (2003).
Propagation path properties in iterative longest-edge refinement, (con J.P. Suárez, G.F. Carey) 12th International Meshing Roundtable, Santa Fe, New Mexico (2003).
A comparative study of some tetrahedral refinements, (con M.A. Padrón, and J.P. Suárez) IMACS02/ISGG Workshop MASCOT—Meetings on Applied Scientific Computing and Tools, MASCOT/03 Roma (2003).
Hybrid longest-edge based refinement for unstructured triangular meshes, (con M.A. Padrón, and J.P. Suárez) Second Las Palmas Seminar on Computational Geometry & Graphics, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2004).
The propagation in the 4T/8T- LE refinement, (con J.P. Suárez) Second Las Palmas Seminar on Computational Geometry & Graphics, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2004).
Volume of the n-dimensional ball of radius r, (con S. Falcón, J.P. Suárez) Second Las Palmas Seminar on Computational Geometry & Graphics, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2004).
Similarity classes generated by the 4-triangle longest-edge (4T-LE) partition (con J.P. Suárez, G.F. Carey) ADMOS’05 International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation (ECCOMAS). Barcelona, Spain 8-19 Septiembre 2005.
Hybrid partitioning scheme with adaptivity for unstructured triangular meshes (con J.P. Suárez, G.F. Carey) 8th National Congress on Computational Mechanics. Austin, Texas, 26-28 July 2005.
Local refinement based on the 7-triangle longest-edge partition (con A. Márquez, A. Moreno, y J.P. Suárez) MASCOT06 - 6th Meeting on Applied Scientific Computing and Tools, Grid Generation, Approximation and Visualization. Roma, October 5-7, 2006.