Ángel Plaza de la Hoz

Ponencias en congresos internacionales

•  Derefinement algorithms of nested meshes, (con L. Ferragut y R. Montenegro) 12th World Computer Congress IFIP'92, Madrid 1992.

•  An adaptive refinement/derefinement algorithm of structured grids for solving time-dependent problems, (con R. Montenegro y L. Ferragut) First European Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering (1992) Pág 225-232.

•  An improved derefinement algorithm of nested meshes. (con R. Montenegro y L. Ferragut) Advances in Post and Preprocessing for Finite Element Technology (1994) Pág 175-180

•  A review of a derefinement algorithm and its applications. Considerations about its parallelization. (con R. Montenegro y L. Ferragut) Symposium on Computational and Applied Mathematics. Austin,Texas, 20-22 Abril 1995

•  Aspects about mesh generation for finite element method. (con R. Montenegro, J.M. Escobar y L. Ferragut) First International Conference on Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations. Atlanta, 1995.

•  The fractal behavior of triangular refined/derefined meshes. ERGOFRACT'95 International Meeting on Fractal Geometry, Chaos, Ergodic Theory and their Applications, 1995.

•  From a 2D local refinement algorithm to a 3D one, Texas Finite Element Rodeo’96, Houston (1996).

•  Application of a nonlinear evolution model to fire propagation, (con R. Montenegro, L. Ferragut, M.I. Asensio, and F.J. Serón) The Second World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts WCNA-96, Atenas, (1996).

•  A model for fire simulations in ladscapes, (con L. Ferragut, M.I. Asensio, R. Montenegro, G. Winter y F.J. Serón) 3th ECCOMAS Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, París (1996).

•  About local refinement of tetrahedral grids based on bisction, (con G.F. Carey) 5th International Meshing Roundtable’96, Pittsburgh (1996).

•  A 3D derefinement algorithm for tetrahedral grids, (con M.A. Padrón y G.F. Carey) McNU'97 Conference, Chicago, (1997).

•  A 3D local derefinement algorithm based on a 2D one. (con M.A. Padrón) Fourth U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics'95, San Francisco (1997).

•  A 3D refinement/derefinement algorithm for solving evolution problems, (con M.A. Padrón, G.F. Carey) 15th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics, Berlín, (1997).

•  On computational complexity of a class of local refinement algorithms. (con M.A. Padrón and G.F. Carey) Fourth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Buenos Aires (1998).

•  Mesh graph structure for longest-edge refinement algorithms, (con J.P. Suárez and M. A. Padrón) 7th International Meshing Roundtable'98, Dearborn, Michigan (1998).

•  Application of Space Filling Curves to Unstructured Grid Ordering and Partitioning, (con G.F. Carey, and A. I. Pehlivanov) strong>Fifth SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the GeoSciences, San Antonio, Texas (1999).

•  Longest-edge algorithms: nondegeneracy properties in 3 dimensions, (con M.-C. Rivara) Fifth U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, University of Colorado, Boulder, (1999).

•  Asymptotic behavior of the average of the adjacencies of the topological entities in some simplex partitions, 8th International Meshing Roundtable, South Lake Tahoe, California (1999).

•  Some aspects of adaptive grid generation (con G.F. Carey, and A. Pehlivanov) Sixth SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, Albuquerque, New Mexico (1999).

•  Skeleton-regular simplex partitions for 2D and 3D mesh refinement III PanAmerican Workshop in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Trujillo, Perú (2000).

•  Refinement and coarsening algorithms in 2 and 3 dimensions. Considerations about the relate data structure. (con J.P. Suárez, and M.A. Padró) FEF-2000, Finite Elements in Flow Problems, Austin, Texas (2000).

•  Longest-edge based partitions for 3-dimenional refinement algorithms, (con M. C. Rivara) 9th International Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics (ICCAM)-2000, Leuven, Bélgica (2000).

•  Average adjacencies for skeleton-regular triangular and tetrahedal partitions, (con M. C. Rivara) 16th IMACS- Word Congress 2000 on Sicentific Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation, Lausanne, Suiza (2000).

•  Surface approximation by unstructured triangular meshes, (con J.P. Suárez, and M. A. Padrón) 7th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulations, pp. 671-677, (ISBN: 0965162737). British Columbia, Canadá (2000).

•  Longest-edge bisection algorithms. Considerations abaut the data structures. Applications, (con J.P. Suárez, M. A. Padrón, and G.F. Carey) CFDLab Seminars Sept’2000, Austin, Texas (2000).

•  Skeleton refinement algorithms for longest-edge bisection, (con J.P. Suárez, M. A. Padrón, and G.F. Carey) 9th International Meshing Roundtable, New Orleans, Louisiana (2000).

•  Partitions of tetrahedra with Steiner points based on bisection (con J.P. Suárez, y M.A. Padrón) IMACS/ISGG Workshop MASCOT—Meetings on Applied Scientific Computing and Tools, Roma (2001).

•  Load balancing with variable number of processors on commodity clusters, (con S. Iqbal, G.F. Carey, M.A. Padrón, and J.P. Suárez) Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference, San Diego, California (2002).

•  Degeneracy study of the 8-tetrahedra longest-edge partition, (con M.A. Padrón, and J.P. Suárez) Tenth International Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics, Leuven, Bélgica (2002).

•  Simulation of 2D and 3D problems via adaptive longest-edge triangular grids, (con M.A. Padrón, J.P. Suárez, and G.F. Carey) IMACS02/ISGG Workshop MASCOT—Meetings on Applied Scientific Computing and Tools, MASCOT/02, Roma (2002).

•  Data structures in Computational Geometry, (con A. Álvarez, J.P. Suárez) First Las Palmas Seminar on Computational Geometry & Graphics, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2003).

•  Geometrical aspects of the triangular grid refinement in 2 and 3D, (con M.A. Padrón, and J.P. Suárez) First Las Palmas Seminar on Computational Geometry & Graphics, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2003).

•  Refinement/derefinement algorithms of triangular grids, Part I, (con M.A. Padrón, and J.P. Suárez) First Las Palmas Seminar on Computational Geometry & Graphics, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2003).

•  Refinement/derefinement algorithms of triangular grids, Part II, (con M.A. Padrón, and J.P. Suárez) First Las Palmas Seminar on Computational Geometry & Graphics, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2003).

•  Propagation study in the longest-edge refinement of unstructured 3D triangular meshes, (con J.P. Suárez, y M.A. Padrón) XIII ADM - XV INGEGRAF, International Conference on Tools and Methods Evolution in Engineering Design, Napoli-Salerno, (2003).

•  Computational aspecgts of the refinement of 3D complex meshes, (con J.P. Suárez, P. Abad, and M.A. Padrón) ICCMSE 2003, Kastoria (Grecia) (2003).

•  Mesh refinement based on the 8-tetrahedra longest-edge partition, (con M.-C. Rivara) 12th International Meshing Roundtable, Santa Fe, New Mexico (2003).

•  Propagation path properties in iterative longest-edge refinement, (con J.P. Suárez, G.F. Carey) 12th International Meshing Roundtable, Santa Fe, New Mexico (2003).

•  A comparative study of some tetrahedral refinements, (con M.A. Padrón, and J.P. Suárez) IMACS02/ISGG Workshop MASCOT—Meetings on Applied Scientific Computing and Tools, MASCOT/03 Roma (2003).

•  Hybrid longest-edge based refinement for unstructured triangular meshes, (con M.A. Padrón, and J.P. Suárez) Second Las Palmas Seminar on Computational Geometry & Graphics, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2004).

•  The propagation in the 4T/8T- LE refinement, (con J.P. Suárez) Second Las Palmas Seminar on Computational Geometry & Graphics, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2004).

•  Volume of the n-dimensional ball of radius r, (con S. Falcón, J.P. Suárez) Second Las Palmas Seminar on Computational Geometry & Graphics, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2004).

•  Similarity classes generated by the 4-triangle longest-edge (4T-LE) partition (con J.P. Suárez, G.F. Carey) ADMOS’05 International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation (ECCOMAS). Barcelona, Spain 8-19 Septiembre 2005.

•  Hybrid partitioning scheme with adaptivity for unstructured triangular meshes (con J.P. Suárez, G.F. Carey) 8th National Congress on Computational Mechanics. Austin, Texas, 26-28 July 2005.

•  Local refinement based on the 7-triangle longest-edge partition (con A. Márquez, A. Moreno, y J.P. Suárez) MASCOT06 - 6th Meeting on Applied Scientific Computing and Tools, Grid Generation, Approximation and Visualization. Roma, October 5-7, 2006.


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